دانلود موسیقی متن بازی Far Cry Primal
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دانلود موسیقی متن بازی Far Cry Primal
320 Kbps
تعداد ترک
Jason Graves
248 Mb
حجم دانلود
تعداد دیسک
زمان کل

01 - The Shaman's Story
Jason Graves

02 - Save the Wenja
Jason Graves

03 - Prowl of the Snowblood Wolves
Jason Graves

04 - The Fires of Conquest
Jason Graves

05 - The Mammoth Hunt
Jason Graves

06 - The Call of the Widu
Jason Graves

07 - A Hunter's Eye
Jason Graves

08 - The Heart of Oros
Jason Graves

09 - Sarta Wenja
Jason Graves

10 - Trials of the Gwarpati
Jason Graves

11 - The Taken Wenja
Jason Graves

12 - Vision of Fire
Jason Graves

13 - Batari's Song of Fire
Jason Graves

14 - The Bloodfang Sabretooth
Jason Graves

15 - Gwarpati Salway
Jason Graves

16 - The Search for Lost Wenja
Jason Graves

17 - Vision of Beasts
Jason Graves

18 - March of the Bloodtusk Mammoth
Jason Graves

19 - Survival of the Udam
Jason Graves

20 - The Lost Caves of Oros
Jason Graves

21 - Udam Wantari
Jason Graves

22 - Wadijam Izila
Jason Graves

23 - Hunt for the Great Scar Bear
Jason Graves

24 - The Flames of Suxli
Jason Graves

25 - Clash of the Udam
Jason Graves

26 - The Altar of Suxli
Jason Graves

27 - Fury of the Great Scar Bear
Jason Graves

28 - Attack of the Udam
Jason Graves

29 - The Beast Master Strikes
Jason Graves

30 - Vision of Ice
Jason Graves

31 - The Wrath of Ull
Jason Graves

32 - The Mask of Krati
Jason Graves

33 - Takkar of the Wenja
Jason Graves

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111.08 MB
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