دانلود موسیقی متن بازی Guacamelee
تعداد بازدید:
دانلود موسیقی متن بازی Guacamelee
320 Kbps
تعداد ترک
Rom Di Prisco
178 Mb
حجم دانلود
تعداد دیسک
زمان کل
01 Main Menu
Rom Di Prisco
02 Pueblucho
Rom Di Prisco
03 Pueblucho (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
04 Boss Theme
Rom Di Prisco
05 Boss Theme (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
06 The Mask of Juan
Rom Di Prisco
07 Forest del Chivo
Rom Di Prisco
08 Forest del Chivo (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
09 Santa Luchita
Rom Di Prisco
10 Santa Luchita (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
11 Temple of Rain
Rom Di Prisco
12 Temple of Rain (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
13 Caverna del Pollo
Rom Di Prisco
14 Caverna del Pollo (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
15 Desierto Caliente
Rom Di Prisco
16 Desierto Caliente (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
17 Tule Tree
Rom Di Prisco
18 Tule Tree (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
19 Sierra Morena
Rom Di Prisco
20 Sierra Morena (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
21 Great Temple
Rom Di Prisco
22 Great Temple (World of the Dead)
Rom Di Prisco
23 Final Boss
Rom Di Prisco
24 Good Ending
Rom Di Prisco
25 Bad Ending
Rom Di Prisco
26 Credits (Good Ending)
Rom Di Prisco
27 Credits (Bad Ending)
Rom Di Prisco
28 The Carlos Calaca Story
Rom Di Prisco
29 Back Story
Rom Di Prisco
30 Leaderboards
Rom Di Prisco
31 BONUS TRACK - Boss Theme (Chiptune Mix)
Rom Di Prisco
32 BONUS TRACK - Forest Passage (Original Concept)
Rom Di Prisco
33 BONUS TRACK - Leaderboards (Extended Mix)
Rom Di Prisco
34 BONUS TRACK - Desierto Caliente (Remix)
Rom Di Prisco
برای دانلود می بایست در بازی مگ عضو بوده و با نام کاربریتان وارد شوید
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